AID Alliance of International Doctors Foundation; made information retrieval about the determination of health aid works and field works in Yemen.
As AID, in Yemen, where the humanitarian crisis has reached deadly dimensions; We carried out a series of studies together with our sister institution IHH Humanitarian Relief Foundation, which continues its activities uninterruptedly. Detection of the inadequacies of the health studies were examined by our teams, and then a health screening was carried out.
The world's worst humanitarian disaster is taking place in the region. About three-quarters of Yemeni people are in need of humanitarian aid. Newborn babies are even deprived of their right to milk. Mothers are not fed enough, and because there is not enough milk, diminutive babies die.
Coordinating the works in the region on behalf of the AID Alliance of International Doctors Foundation, AID Istanbul Representative Dr. Ibrahim Hakki Aydin; conducted a health screening at the Faculty building, where 800 refugee families had to live in the city of Seyhun. Then, the camps in Marib City's countryside were visited. In Marib State Hospital, health screenings were conducted. Also, Hanik's tent city underwent a health screening, and medical facilities were visited.
Aydın, who gave information about the works done in Yemen, said:
Aydın, who gave information about the works done in Yemen, said:
Marib is a city that is frequented by people who had to migrate due to the war. The city, which has a population of 300 thousand under normal conditions, has increased 10 times due to the civil war. Currently, the Marib State Hospital provides the health needs of the city of 3 million, despite the difficult conditions and inadequate facilities. They have to serve a total of 450 patients, with an average of 150 emergency patients each day.
Due to internal disturbance and migration, children suffer the most during the war, and those who are malnourished and extremely weak require assistance to increase the number of hospital rooms and provide a balanced diet so they can live.