Every donation you will make means a new hope.
Every donation you will make means a new hope.
Hope is stronger than tanks...
Hope is stronger than tanks...
The Olive Branch Project is a project carried out and completed in cooperation with Muntada AID, AID IAlliance of International Doctors, and Orphan Foundation in order to alleviate the effects of the traumatic events experienced by Syrian children and women who had to immigrate to Istanbul due to the Syria war.
Through the Olive Branch Project, we aimed to establish “intervention” programs for kids and women who are the victims of war in order to lessen risk factors and strengthen supportive variables in their life.
The primary aim of these psychosocial support programs, in which children and women receive help individually or in groups, are to regain the lost sense of basic trust, to prevent the disruptive effects that may arise from post-traumatic stress reactions, and to help people regain their pre-trauma functionality levels
Umut tanklardan güçlüdür…
AID Uluslararası Doktorlar Derneği
Zeytin Dalı Projesi
Zeytin Dalı Projesi Suriye savaşı nedeniyle İstanbul’a göç etmek zorunda kalmış Suriyeli çocuklar ve kadınların yaşadıkları travmatik olayların tesirini hafifletmek amacıyla Muntada AID, AID Uluslararası Doktorlar Derneği ve Yetim Vakfı işbirliği ile yürütülüp tamamlanmış olan projedir.
Zeytin Dalı Projesi ile savaş mağduru çocuk ve kadınlar için “müdahale” programları geliştirerek, bu kişilerin yaşamlarındaki risk faktörlerini azaltmayı ve destek faktörlerini artırmayı hedefledik. Çocuk ve kadınların bireysel olarak ya da gruplar halinde yardım gördükleri bu psikososyal destek programlarının öncelikli amacı, kaybedilen temel güven duygusunun yeniden kazanılması, travma sonrası stres tepkilerinden kaynaklanabilecek bozucu etkilerin önüne geçilmesi, kişilerin travmatik yaşantıdan önceki işlevsellik düzeylerine yeniden ulaşmalarının sağlanmasıdır. Ayrıca, ebeveyn ve öğretmenlerin travma mağduru çocuklara nasıl yaklaşacakları konusunda eğitilmeleri de projenin öncelikli hedefleri arasındadır.
To Syrian kids and women as a part of project:
To Syrian kids and women as a part of project:
One of the primary goals of the project is to teach parents and teachers how to interact with traumatized children.
- Individual / Group Psychotherapy Service
- Art and Skill Workshop Under the Cover Of Occupational Therapies
- Art and Skill Workshops for Children
- Game Workshops for Children
- Legal Support Service for Women
- Private lessons for children, homework help services and Turkish courses
- Health Services to Children and Women
- Cultural, art, and entertainment trips were provided.
15 minutes surgery time
15 minutes surgery time
- In addition to providing curative interventions to children who have witnessed war experiences and have developed post-traumatic stress reactions as a result, we have implemented programs that encourage the mental, emotional, and social development of kids. We aimed to encourage the development of Syrian children who were in their developmental period, which was interrupted due to traumatic experiences, with arts & skills, game workshops, and sports activities based on the theory of multiple intelligences.
- With these programs, where we organize psychological support programs, educational studies, art, and occupational workshops for women, we also sought to empower women spiritually, strengthen their parenting skills, and help women to obtain professional skills.
Psychotherapy for Children and Women
Psychotherapy for Children and Women
- For the treatment of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), which children experience as a result of the symptoms seen, the EMDR approach is used in both individual and group therapy. In order to develop a strong relationship with kids based on trust, Theraplay Play Therapy—a form of interactive and directed play therapy—is also used in individual and group treatment.
Art & Skill Workshops for Women
Art & Skill Workshops for Women
- As part of the Olive Branch Psychosocial Support Project, workshops in various branches of art and Turkish courses are organized for Syrian refugee women. The new relationships made during the workshops not only serve as a part of the psychiatric therapy for Syrian women but also help them contribute to improving their social lives.
Kadınlara Yönelik Sanat & Beceri Atölyeleri:
Social Service Suppor
Social Service Suppor
- As a part of the social service support of the Olive Branch Psychosocial Support Project, children, and women who have health problems are provided with a translator to go to the doctor and receive treatment.
Culture & Art and Entertainment Activities:
Culture & Art and Entertainment Activities:
- Within the cover of the project, various cultural and artistic activities are organized with immigrant children and women, and organizations are organized to draw attention to the positive effects of psychosocial support projects, especially on children.