Önlenebilir körlükte refraksiyon kusurları ikinci sırada yer almaktadır. Özellikle çocuk çağında yapılan müdahaleler, olası bir körlüğün önüne geçmeye yardımcı olur.
Çocukların daha iyi görmesini sağlamak için başlattığımız Çocuk Gözlüğü Projemiz ile ileride körlüğe neden olabilecek kusurlara erken önlem almayı hedefliyoruz. Bu doğrultuda gözlük ihtiyacı olan çocuk hastalarımızı belirliyor ve kendilerini muayene ettikten sonra gözlüklerine kavuşturuyoruz.
Childhood is a critical time for exploration and learning. Unfortunately, many children miss out on these opportunities due to untreated vision problems. This issue is particularly prevalent in low socio-economic regions, where children are at risk of permanent blindness from preventable eye conditions. When untreated, these problems can severely impact their education and daily life.
The Children’s Eyeglasses Project aims to address the healthcare needs of children in vulnerable areas by offering free eye screenings and treatment. As part of the project, we visit schools in regions with limited or no medical examination facilities and conduct comprehensive eye screenings. Through these assessments, we identify children with vision impairments and provide them with the necessary treatment.
The project follows a two-phase approach. In the first phase, children with potential eye disorders are identified through school screenings. Those in need of further care are referred to our health centers for detailed eye examinations and treatment. During this process, children receive medical treatment and prescription glasses, all free of charge.
This project seeks to empower children by helping them explore the world with healthy vision. You can make a difference by contributing to this effort. With a donation of 500 TL, you can provide glasses to a child in need.